Just 4 (Monday February, 17th) days ago my Father In-law passed due to on-going complications with diabetes and resulted in a massive heart attack. My family’s world has been turned upside down and the person who taught me to become a man and a great provider is no longer with us in body, but will forever be with us in our hearts.
My Father In-law, Eric Exum, was very proud that I switched to electronic cigarettes, and he also liked the idea of me helping others make the switch. He thought the idea of e-cigarettes was so great and he became so interested that he went along with me to the Chattanooga meet last year where he met Dimitris from the VapeTeam and Kurt from Ecig Media, among many more. He hung out with vapers at this meet because he thought it was such a positive thing to our lives. This all meant the world to me because I had the chance to spend quality time with family I was so close to, while interacting with others who have supported me since day 1.
Eric was inspired by these devices, even though he didn’t use them nor smoked, and he even had an idea for an article that he wanted me to research and write about. After talking a while about it, we came up with the article “The Benefits of Electronic Cigarettes for Diabetics” – You can visit that article here.
When we switch to electronic cigarettes, we receive a support system like no other. Smokers don’t have smoke meets or the support that you receive from actual people like vapers do. I’m amazed by how many people I’ve met from switching to electronic cigarettes… some from helping others on this website, some from going to meets, and others being vendors whom I’ve established a friendship with. There is one vendor who I’ve become close to. We’ve never met, but he’s supported me, by helping me continue my journey with electronic cigarettes, supported me with work to earn for my family, and now as I go through this hard time with my Father In-law passing, he’s been there for me and supported me through this. This person I speak of is Brett C. from Texas Select Vapor.
Electronic cigarettes, it’s a gift that keeps giving. It’s helped save our lives and those around us, and the people we meet during can only be described as a blessing.
Brett, from the bottom of my heart… thank you for being a friend, for always being there when I needed you, and especially during this hard time. My family loved the flowers and your thought. Eric would be proud that I met such a friend as you.
In memory of Eric Exum ~ 1960 – 2014