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Name: Atomic Vapors URL: Discount: 10% Off Discount Code: NEWBUYER10 End Date: Unlimited

Suncoast Vapers Club proudly presents… Vapestock 2012! When: June 8th and 9th, 2012 Where: Holiday Inn Harbourside ~ 401 Second St ~ Indian Rocks ...

Holiday's are about sharing, caring and having fun... Oh and not to let me forget, presents! Today I would like to announce that we at are ...

Time is running out to send your comments to your representatives (Dec. 8th). The FDA wants to close down all Internet sales of ecigs to save the kids. Do kids ...

Removing yourself from the traditional analog cigarette can be a hassle and it never fails to give off headaches, cold sweats and discomfort leaving you with ...

I've tried a few DP flavored e-liquids in the past from other vendors and none of them have actually tasted anything like the beverage.  I have finally managed ...

By JAMIE KELLY of the Missoulian | Posted: Saturday, November 26, 2011 6:15 am Missoula County Public Schools policy bans 'e-cigarettes' An updated ...

Today we're calling out James or also known to the community as Pleidus.   Meet the old fart vaper known as Pleidius (or sometimes: Santa).  I was ...

When electronic cigarettes were introduced in the United States, there were only a couple options for buying refills for your new personal vaporizer. The two ...

Battery Digits: The first 2 digits are the dimension measuring across the battery. The last 3 digits reference to the length of the battery. Protected circuits ...

Guide To Vaping