In the last 24 hours I have been asked the same question by 6 different smokers, via email and in person. They seem to believe that to start vaping you must ...
It's a question I hear quite often, and more than you would think. "Is it safe to vape during pregnancy, what effect does vaping have on an unborn baby?" The ...
When we were dangling from the short and very sturdy line of big tobacco, and totally hooked by their cigarettes, we were limited to pretty much two flavors; ...
We’ve all been there: You’re halfway to your destination in the car or midway through your work day when your battery flashes to show it’s out of charge. The ...
For year's and more so now, e-liquid branding has been tossed around carrying the "premium" label to insinuate that it's in with the it crowd, that it's better ...
There's no telling how many people have thrown away perfectly good bottles of e-liquid all because the color changed and they assumed the e-liquid went bad. ...
There are plenty of you out there wondering what is the best vape setup for under $100. I understand this and today's blog post and video will be dedicated to ...
It has been brought up to me that many viewers are still having trouble understanding what each attachment is called. And, even some of you know the names or ...
There have been many viewers asking Guide To Vaping what products we recommend when upgrading from your standard "eGo" or "Evod" setup. Though we've made ...
The people that have just switched to vaping, and those that have switched in the last couple years have entered at a peak of product development for the ...
Let me first begin this post by explaining what a Mod is exactly, being that I'm inserting this addition into the "Beginner" category here on GuideToVaping. A ...
You've probably experienced it first hand as an electronic cigarette user. Dehydration isn't uncommon among vapers, particularly in those of us who use ...