Have you heard someone say that before? - Don't take it literal. Just for some of you that have, I'll give you a few extra safety tips and after you read them, ...
By this time as a vaper considered to be in the intermediate class, you've started to accumulate many electronic cigarettes, parts and accessories. If you're ...
As promised last time, I told you that I was going to walk you through a simple two flavor juice. First you will need to round-up your ingredients for this ...
While eCigarettes and personal vaporizors have been used billions of times without issue, they do involve batteries- which are not all the same. Using the ...
Hands down the best investment I have ever made in my vaping experience over any mod, was my DIY Kit. It was also the one investment that caused me the most ...
Master Flavor List and Known Risks Bickford: www.bickfordflavors.com Capella: www.capellaflavordrops.com Faeries_Finest: www.faeriesfinest.com ...
Along with its intriguing name, this new atomizer cleaner has been placed on my 'must have' list. Flavor Flush from Texas Select Vapor is a VapeTeam Exclusive ...
VariVolt or VV, better known as a Variable Voltage Electronic Cigarette is an E-Cig that has the potential to switch between multiple voltages on a device. ...
Drip Shield Master List This is a master list for Drip Shields. Empire Drip Shield 901 Hex Drip Shield - $12.99 901 Solid, Cut & Flat ...
Cartomizer Tank Master List This is a master list for Tanks that use 510 Cartomizers Dual Coil MAP Tank Delrin - $25.00 Stainless Steel - ...
I have JD Vorr here, I call him the king of e-juice DIY. A lot of people DIY, and make great juice. I think the reason I think of JD as the "King of DIY" is ...
A Passthrough E-Cig mod is a cord connecting the electronic cigarette to an external power source such as a computer, portable power unit or a videogame ...