Lighting up some potent flower is all good and fun, but ask any experienced stoner, and they’ll tell you there’s nothing quite like a dab. Dabbing involves ...
Cannabis is slowly being accepted for its medical properties all around the world. More and more countries are removing, or at least easing up restrictions on ...
There is something so relaxing and refreshing about plants. Besides giving us fresh air, they also reduce stress. So, it is no wonder that more and more ...
The laws and regulations surrounding cannabis use in many places around the world have taken quite a while to catch up to cultural shifts that have been ...
Since countries like Canada and many states throughout America legalized the sale of cannabis products a lot has changed. In the past, most people would ...
As people are just now realizing the benefits of cannabis and its components, more and more have been considering it as a form of medication. Although, the ...
You will need some tips on how to smoke cannabis efficiently if you really want to take full advantage of your pleasure. It's even more critical if this is ...
Have you ever been sitting there smoking away and thinking to yourself if there were more exciting ways to smoke your dope? Every smoker at one point or ...
We all have at least one friend who smokes. Most of them nowadays go for vape at first and try other smoking accessories. If you have some smokers in your ...
You have probably noticed that many weed smokers are switching to vaping. Sure, vaping is becoming quite popular and not just among young people who want to ...
The legalization of medical and recreational marijuana in many states, as you might know, has prompted many customers to get used to buying cannabis. However, ...
In a quick span of time, dabbing has become one of the most popular methods of consumption among cannabis users and offers powerful highs and a flavor-packed ...