In the United States, the concept that vaping is anything other than a gateway to the re-normalization of smoking and an encouragement to young ...
A recent electronic cigarette user study by Dr. Robert L Cranfield M.D. (a family medicine specialist from Tennessee), shows long-term health benefits to the ...
Smoking is more affordable than vaping was the headline of an article this week in PG/VG magazine, and, as you can imagine, this has set social media ...
Formaldehyde in e-cigarettes, a rallying cry for so many who oppose the vaping community, has once again been brought to light as the latest data on ...
If you want the truth about vapor damage to human airways, you are in the right place. We will discuss the cytotoxicity (the vapors ability to be ...
For years, better said since its existence, vaping has been scrutinized because of its relation to traditional cigarettes and its close similarities to the act ...
With the help of Dr. Farsalinos, a doctor that devotes his time to scientifically proving the benefits of electronic cigarettes and the owner of ...
This latest study was published in Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, which gave a report on the chemical composition of e-cigarette vapor, then compared ...
One of the latest studies presented was published in the journal PubMed, under Drug and Alcohol Dependence, which examined the dependence level in users of ...
As I plunder through the many headlines of ecig related content, though all being different, they're all relatively the same with spun words that deliver the ...
There has been a new study that has surfaced from Penn State's College of Medicine, and it's showing that the addictiveness of ecigs are lower than tobacco ...
In latest studies conducted by researchers, evidence is pointing to electronic cigarettes as being a safer way for smokers to stop smoking traditional tobacco ...