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  There are plenty of mods that fall under the VaporFi branding, some offering better performance than others, but what is the best VaporFi mod to buy? ...

  Back in 2011 it was all about voltage, in 2012 people started taking notice of Evolv's Darwin -- which was the first adjustable wattage device ...

  What is this TCR mode, how does it work, and why does every device have different ways of reading it?  If the settings on your mod are giving you a ...

  Coil connection issues can quickly become every vapers pet peeve.  Some folks will use ohm readers, as they are putting their systems together, even ...

  Most vapers don't realize it, but we have a tendency to talk in our own language.  Yesterday, I was in a local vape shop with a recently quit smoker, ...

  When it comes to battery safety and knowing which batteries should be used for vaping, we have no greater knowledge base than Mooch.  While others ...

  The rebuildable tank atomizer (RTA) market is rising, and dry hits and flooding tanks are the most common issues people are having with them.  Let's ...

  Today, we are going to be concentrating on the RDTA, short for rebuildable dripping tank atomizer.  If you're new to the vaping game, you may have no ...

  Today, we are going to discuss the top 3 reasons why we shouldn't buy clones, and instead buy authentic gear.  Everyone is guilty of seeing a tank or ...

  You own a 200 watt vaping device and we are over here telling you to turn down the wattage.  It's a conundrum, we know, but we own the same devices ...

In this addition to Box Mod Basics, we're going to answer a question that's become more common - how does a series vape mod work? - In today's article we're ...

Vapers asking how does a parallel vape mod work is becoming more of a frequent question, so in today's article we're going to focus on just that.  In our new ...

Guide To Vaping